Lessons from Thumbelina

Thumbelina is one of the most underrated animated films of my time. What with all the Disney movies hogging the limelight, I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Yet, even with the odds stacked against it, “Thumbelina” somehow failed to go unnoticed by my childhood. By the age of six or seven, I’d seen it more times than I could count. Today, I found myself absently singing one of the tunes from the film. Annoyingly enough, I only remembered one line from the song…”Dearie, marry the Mole.”


I mentally flipped through clips of the movie until I came to the scene this song accompanied— before I continue, let me give a brief synopsis of the movie for the losers who haven’t seen it or read the tale.

Thumbelina- a girl the size of a thumb- tries to find her place in a big world where she doesn’t quite fit in. On a whim of a night, her angelic singing lures a prince to her windowsill. They fall in love immediately. Typical. They set up a rendezvous for the next evening, but before their tryst can take place, Thumbelina is kidnapped. With the help of a new friend, she escapes. As she goes about trying to find her way home and ultimately her way back to Prince Cornelious, she gets sidetracked by various suitors who attempt to convince her that she should marry them instead. Despite pleas and insistence that she wed one of the available singles, Thumbelina never loses sight and hope of finding her true love.

tumblr_opo359Kx6c1w8zoooo1_500.gifCringe-worthy, I know, but there’s a takeaway.

Back at the scene, an ostensibly well-intentioned mouse friend tries to convince Thumbelina to marry a rich, over the hill mole with an upbeat ditty. She uses a practical argument: stability (i.e. money) is paramount to love. And it almost works. Thumbelina prepares for the wedding ceremony, complete with a hideous coiffure and equally horrid dress. As she saunters down the aisle toward the biggest mistake of her life, visions of Prince Cornelius bring her back to her senses. “I’m sorry, but I can’t marry the Mole. I don’t love him!”


My fellow singles, I encourage you to take a page from Thumbelina’s story. Don’t settle for available just because your wait has become wearisome.

Your person is out there. Don’t give up on the partner God has purposed for you. They’re worth the wait and so are you. Besides, a partner isn’t all there is to life. While a spouse may be a part of your destiny, all that God has for you is not wrapped up in that one dream. Venture out and see what God would have you do in this season of your life.

Whatever you do, please refrain from entertaining your wait with pointless dating endeavors.

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Sometimes it seems easier to take the reins of life into our hands, rather than wait around for God to deliver his promises. I’ve been there and I get it, but do your best to avoid falling into this temptation. Date with intention, not out of loneliness. If you’re yearning for companionship, draw closer to God. I know, no one wants to hear that, but a boyfriend (or husband for that matter) cannot fill a void in your life that is meant for God.

Remind yourself of Thumbelina. She was lost, and many times throughout her journey, confused about what was best for her. Nonetheless, she kept her eyes on the promise she would live happily ever after with her prince. Thumbelina held on to her hope. If you are God’s child and he is your hope, then I ask you, are you allowing His promises to guide your love life?

Stay focus. Know that God knows what you need more than you think you know what you want. Read that last sentence again. Don’t be afraid to reject who you know is not from God. People will tell you you’re too picky or that you have too many standards that are too high. Your spouse is God’s choice— not your mom’s, friend’s, aunty’s, or cousin’s—God’s choice. His choice, your decision.

If you get to a place where you’re tempted to enter into a relationship just to kill time, question yourself. Ask yourself why you feel the need to be in a relationship with someone who has no real potential of being your spouse. Take those answers to God in prayer and ask him to help you fill those voids with his love. But please, don’t foul things up out of impatience or loneliness.

Stay strong in your singleness. You have not been forgotten.


P.S. In doing research for this post, I found out that one of the reasons Thumbelina was going to marry the mole was because she was under the impression that Prince Cornelious had died. Still though, if you’re a believer, has not death lost its sting? Things not panning out the way you want or expect them to is still not a reason to settle for anything less than what God has for you.

Off to watch, “Thumbelina.”

31 thoughts on “Lessons from Thumbelina

  1. This is so true. Just because everyone’s encouraging to be in a relationship, doesn’t mean you have to, the right one will come. Nice thoughts, I agree.

    Hey, don’t hesitate to visit my blog page, I would really love to connect with you. I am ragazza. 🙂

  2. I forgot how much I LOVED Thumbelina until I read this post. Talk about nostalgia!

    I agree with you on listening to God and trusting that He knows what we need more than we know what we want (love that line!). But I also think we have to be careful that we don’t project our insecurities and human shortcomings onto that. Speaking personally, I know I love to use the “it doesn’t feel right” line when I’m scared, clinging to superficial standards, or avoiding taking action.

    Dating’s definitely an interesting journey as a Christian. I really think prayer is incredibly important. Thanks for starting this conversation!

    • Such a great movie, right?!

      I one hundred percent agree with you about not projecting our own insecurities on or into our wait. It’s definitely a fine line that I’ve struggled with before ( https://wp.me/p12XE4-1Cl).

      Yes, prayer is a big factor because christian dating can indeed be difficult. Praying and waiting for the right partner, while still being willing to step out of our comfort zones is tricky. But it is possible through prayer, faith, willingness, and patience. A lot of patience. Lol

      Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the dialogue!!!

      • I wish I had a mentor/guide/coach for dating as a Christian in this day and age – it’s really tricky!

        Thanks for sharing that post, you have no idea how much of a relief it is to see that other people are having conversations about these struggles!

      • Amen to the mentor/guide/coach, it’s rough out here. But honestly, I’ve relinquished my love life into God’s hands. He has my whole life, but the whole dating thing, there’s no blueprint! So I try not worry too much about it and just hold on to faith. And in my heart of hearts, I know it’ll happen. God’s got us.

        It is such a relief knowing that it’s not just me. Christian dating (especially for women) is difficult.

  3. Great post. I know this was more geared to women not settling, but I believe men need to hear this as well. It’s easy to overlook the temptation we as men have to settle by going after a woman because she’s available.

    Sometimes mutual interest can make us think we’re supposed to be together, when God hasn’t led it.

    LOL at the losers comment 😂😂 I never saw this movie, I’m still a winner hahaha! Good stuff though.

    • Heyyyyy Lamar!

      Wow, I didn’t realize this was an issue christian men struggle with as well. I feel like finding a good christian girl should be easy, but that’s me looking from the outside in. I guess I’m always thinking there are so many more women than men looking for marriage. It’s nice to hear from the other side and know that it’s not just the women who are going through this.

      You’re so right, just because you have common interests doesn’t mean that that is the person God has for you. I imagine that can be tricky and confusing though. Discernment and prayer is key there, I think.

      I call everyone losers (self included). Don’t worry, it’s a term of endearment when I say it. In real life, I assume you guys are awesome. But for real for real, “Thumbelina” is pretty bomb. 😂😂

      • Hey! Yeah, you’ve actually inspired me to write a piece on it myself, it’s not talked about as much.

        Discernment and prayer is absolutely the key, it’s something I do often, God truly does order our steps.

  4. Hi! I met you on a plane from NYC; I was with my daughter. I’m FINALLY reading your blog and it is AMAZING! Keep using your gift. I am so glad I got to read this. I’m married but will be sending this to my single friends! And for all of us “For your Maker is your husband-the Lord Almighty is His name”… (Isaiah 54:5). Praying blessings over you today! Andrea

    • Hi Andrea!! Again, I’m so glad you followed up!!! I appreciate you visiting my blog and leaving my rambles! Yes, please pass it on to your fellow singles!!! Can’t wait to read your blogs 😘

  5. Great piece I liked it. Good talk and advice. But you shouldn’t call your reader names, ‘loser’. Don’t think you would find it nice if I called you that cause ‘you have not seen a movie’. But I liked what you wrote. ✌🏾

    • Thanks for reading and stopping by! I really appreciate it!

      People who read my blogs know that calling them losers is just my sarcastic, but endearing sense of humor. However, I’m sorry if you felt offended by it.

  6. Beautiful job! I have had so many of my friends go through this struggle, and this message is such an encouragement. I especially love how it ties in with with Thumbelina, which I also loved growing up. 🙂

    • Hi Anna, thanks for adding to the dialouge! Yes, sadly we are in an extreme state of, “looking for love in all the wrong places.” If we seek God first and find our rest and contentment in him, he will also give us the desires of our hearts according to his purpose. We just have to keep reminding ourselves of that truth.

  7. Although I’m married, I really enjoyed this post! I’ve been there as well. Such a powerful message! “Know that God knows what you need more than you think you know what you want.” Man that line alone is DEEP! So simple, but so very true! Sometimes we get so rapped up in the idea of being in a relationship that we tend to make it our reality. No one wants to be lonely so we indulge in meaningless relationships to occupy our time until God sends the person that’s made for us! No one wants to be patient, but that’s required so that God can do his work. This is something that everyone needs to hear. It can help us all.

    • Yesss, thank you for being inclusive and discovering a takeaway from this post as a married individual. Yes, patience is not always fun but it’s necessary. And there are gems and jewels to be discovered in the wait. Impatience amounts to added and unnecessary stress for sure.

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